Born in Milan Ohio February. 11, 1847 Thomas Edison was a prolific American inventor, holding over 1,093 US patents in the U.S, and many abroad. The light bulb was one of Thomas Edisons most famous inventions. Here we see symbolically how this invention has taken flight. But not all of Edison's inventions were successful.
If his first invention had not failed Thomas Edison might not have become Americas most prolific innovator. After a voting machine, his first failed invention, was rejected by congress he always used the motto,
"I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to invent it.”
Listen to Nail It Then Scale It chapter 2: The Mystery of Market Winning Innovation on
"There are thousands and thousands of ideas out there. The real question is not whether you have an idea but whether that idea is an opportunity. Is it worth your time, effort and money to pursue? Is there a real market opportunity worth the sacrifice that entrepreneurship requires?" Learn the innovation process from Startup core.